the sickezt music vidz by the deepest darkest down, now on NEWGROUNDZ!!!
the sickezt music vidz by the deepest darkest down, now on NEWGROUNDZ!!!
pretty kewl, sucks it was so short
Ye ye, I was planning on making it longer by adding other songs into the mix but it took way too long to make the main part of the vid so I just gave up on the idea (and plus I animate on a phone lol), sry bout that tho
that's really cool but I don't think the right place to post. Post again after is animated.
I actually don't have the proper resources to animate this. This was just a comic I drew nearly a decade ago in high school. I was just trying to give it some sfx and music to go with the panels.
almost as funny as clock crew
don't hurt muh 1k+ fan youtube meme animator!!!
Why don't YOU try some flash like this?!
Movies: 2
uh oh
I don't know
good but too short, it should have said preview
It's being made in two parts. The episode was meant to be longer, but time restraints prevented that
my dick ain't short -_-
Yep haha
A relic that parodys some ancient and equally cringey parodys.
.....its so bad its good...kind of
well this parody is 10 years old so... Yeah an older car will have a few problems but *slaps the roof of the car* it'll get you there :D
Same account since I was a kid. NG OG and Internet Vet. I do hip hop as PKSkyler and vox for an industrial metal band called G://Anon.
San Diego
Joined on 10/24/05