Awesome ShadesGang!
Hey, this is bombshadeS( i know i havent posted much) anyway, this si great guys! (i voted 5, dur)
Shades Gang rulllllleeeezzzz
Awesome ShadesGang!
Hey, this is bombshadeS( i know i havent posted much) anyway, this si great guys! (i voted 5, dur)
Shades Gang rulllllleeeezzzz
Shades Gang 4 Lyfe
nice work =D
hope this doesnt get blammed
Good things: it has an interesting plot, lots of cussing and violence XD. Keep working on it
Bad things:ok, bear with me. I think u should have better graphics then those ball things.sticks maybe? also the music was repetitive.
Please checko out mine and Zonic777`s submissions. thnx
It won't be blammed. Low score though :(
nice job
i really like that song too bad its on all those m7m commercials and well uh....all over TV. Um..iit was a coo lvideo but if it had more of a story it would be better. Im not saying it didnt make any sense at all dont get me wrong. Uh...well thats all. Oh yeah and how long did it take the video? oh and if u dont mind check out my videos too thnx
I worked on and off on it for a couple weeks. I've been trying to get a job, and so far no luck. It has no real story because it is imposible for me to make one. and, sure, I'll check out your animations!
very funny and stylish!..the ring chick looked chibi and kinda cutsey..? well anyway it was funny!..even though it would make more sense if it was a VCR hooked up to a smalll TV screen..cause she aint coming out of no PSP disc thingy..welll good anyway!
Thanks, I 'm here for polishing and stylishing...
Thanks, that's Juan's thing, me "not here" for funny stuff ...
PSP - yes, that IS PSP !
goood but it got boring after a bit. original and cool, maybe give it more action. deffinantly not to be Blamed, a nice addition to newgrounds
thanks for the support
Same account since I was a kid. NG OG and Internet Vet. I do hip hop as PKSkyler and vox for an industrial metal band called G://Anon.
San Diego
Joined on 10/24/05